Sunday, September 30, 2018

"Marketing in the News"


Ten plus ads fill the peripheral of the subject matter I'm interested in. It's ironic because I'm looking for an article regarding a marketing issue, and due to an overload of ads from third party entities, all I can think about is whether or not I qualify for an American Express card. However, the article from the ever so popular just happens to be interesting enough to pull me back to my agenda.

On September 26th, David Hessekiel published to the Forbes website the article "A Crazy Social Impact Experiment That Just Might Work To Unite Corporate Brands". I know, could the title be any longer... This article immediately caught my eye. Who does't love a good social experiment!?

Hessekiel begins the article by sharing his disappointment in thought-leaders who convey ideas of diminishing social issues without realistic solutions.  The rest of the article focuses on The Ad Council, a 75-year-old nonprofit organization who's main goal is to initiate action on significant social issues in hopes to make a measurable difference in society. The Ad Council partners with advertisement agencies and currently distributes to a network of 33,000 media outlets. Before, The Ad Council was funded solely by non-governmental organizations or federal agencies. However, Hessekiel reveals that the organization is modifying its structure.  In attempt to unify corporate competitors and tackle tough social issues, the council is calling together corporate alliances to fund and support individual campaigns. Hessekiel is confident that The Ad Council along with the collaboration of corporate entities will be able to conquer these issues.

Brands are beginning to realize the power and responsibility they have to create social change. Not only does attempting to solve social issues better society, but it shows the involvement of brands and is a marketing ploy in its own. For this reason partnering with The Ad Council is an attractive option for large corporations. The council's approach is unique in the sense that it's unifying major competitors in order to market its campaigns rather than pinning them against each other.

Personally, I'm intrigued to see what The Ad Council is able to accomplish with this new structure, and if I was them I wouldn't have done it any other way. What better way to actually make a change than through society's biggest influencers. This article has taught me that in order to get the results that have yet to be attainable, you have to be willing to try something that has never been done.   

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

About Me

Topic 1:

I was prompted to take BA223 principles of marketing this term because it is a prerequisite for my major. Not only is it a required course for me, but I have always had a curiosity for marketing. I think a class such as this can benefit everyone by giving insight on how the world operates and allowing students to develop skills they'll be able to utilize outside of the classroom. 

I am a finance and accounting major dual enrolled at OSU and LBCC. 

Through this marketing class I am most interested in learning how to sell myself. I want to be able convince organizations, whether it's a job or a school, that they want and need me. 

Outside of college, something I am passionate about is film. Film is kind of an armature hobby for me. I'm not tech savvy and I'm not necessarily into directing or anything like that. But I appreciate a good film. My favorite genres include independent films and documentaries. Within these next few years, I hope to attend the Sundance Film Festival, which is the largest independent film festival in the U.S.